Thursday, April 7, 2011

Reflections: “She walks in beauty” ”When we two parted”, “The Waning Moon"

Lord Byron's two poems are poems of being in love and being heartbroken. They express his affections beautifully.You can feel his emotions coming off the page as you read them. "She Walks in Beauty" is pretty happy, focusing on all the things he loves about this woman. "When We Two Parted" takes a much more depressing tone, expressing the heartbreak experienced in a break-up. Shelly's poem compares the waning moon to a frail old woman. It is a dark yet peaceful work. That poem and "She Walks in Beauty" are rich in metaphor. All of the poems use nature to in some way convey their emotions. Both poets use simple rhyme schemes yet their words do not sound childish or forced. Their words are well crafted and flow nicely.

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