Monday, April 4, 2011

Reflection: “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” and “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge”

The poems  “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” and “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge” have a lot in common. They both deal with a similar theme of finding beauty and peace in your surroundings and joy in solitude.They use words to create images of scenes that you can picture and share the poets' emotions as if you were there.Each poet is able to capture tones of sadness as well as joy in the very same poem. They are lonely and sad but at the same time there are hints of happiness created by the beauty of nature and the world. In "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" the poet, Wordsworth, finds beauty within the natural world, he does not like the new polluted  world that has been formed by the Industrial Revolution. He finds better company in daphodills than he does in a bustling city filled with people. In the poem "Composed on Westminster Bridge" he does view the city as a place of beauty but only in the morning just before the people fill the streets and smoke fills the sky. Again he finds peace just observing the beauty of the world unsullied by other people.

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