Thursday, May 5, 2011

Reflection: "Spring and Fall" and "The Harlot's House"

Wilde's poem " The Harlot's House" is very interesting. It uses words to beautifully create an image of these haunting beings dancing. His words actually feel like they are twirling around as if dancing. I think the poem is about lust and how he dislikes it. The couples dancing are not really in love, it is lust that brings them together. He describes the dancers as evil creatures showing how evil he sees their actions. I had a hard time interpreting "Spring and Fall." I think it is using of spring as a metaphor for life and fall for death. It is about teaching a young child about those two things and how they can be difficult to understand. The girl is crying because she knows she will one day die too just like the trees and all living things.

1 comment:

  1. so, what is Spring and Fall really about? What message or universal theme is really being presented here? You need to add to your thoughts on Harlot House, as well. Your interpretation lacks depth.
