Thursday, March 31, 2011

If I Could Do Anything Knowing I Could Not Fail

With the power to do anything with the knowledge that I would succeed no matter what I would want to do something of great impact that would be impossible otherwise. I would do something to make the world a better place such as ending world hunger or all violence or, better yet, make sure everyone in the entire world was happy. These are things that are impossible but that is why I would do them. I would like to make the world a better place but since I would have this immense power to not fail I could do even the most unreasonable thing. I wouldn't want to do something just anybody could do that would be kind of a waste of the capability. Since I can't even comprehend how I would accomplish something like that or what even the end result would look like I'm not sure what the repercussions would be. It is possible my actions would cause more harm than good.

Still Waters Run Deep

The expression "still waters run deep" is generally used to say that someone who appears simple may in fact be very complex internally. As a metaphor it means a seemingly uninteresting thing, still waters, has a whole lot hidden beneath it's surface. Personally, I don't think thats very true. Honestly, there are people who are "deep" and those who are superficial no matter how they act. I don't think it pertains to any one group. To me its kind of a generalization. The opposite of this statement, all outgoing people are shallow would not go over well. However being deep is recognized as a good thing so I doubt many people would have a problem with it.